So I didn’t get to this or any kind of blog updating yesterday because I was held up with a migraine. Good times. You could put me in the middle of a party with music blasting, bright lights flashing, and I’ll be FINE. But focusing on a computer and letters on a screen? Big fat nope.

Since I only featured three countries (Yemen, Russia, and Germany) in my Daily Prompt: Tea The World in a Teacup news with your cup of tea from around the world post, I wanted to write an update with other countries.

Let’s go to…


This is a 26 minute video on Japanese tea ceremony. If you have the time, watch it, because it’s a beautiful look into Japan and quite peaceful too. My study abroad class in Kyoto had a tea ceremony seminar and it was extremely interesting to learn, though not quite as peaceful as the video because I was so focused. Folding that dang napkin was the hardest part.

Economic times Tea expert recommends mechanised plucking of tea leaves

“Price of Japanese green tea is increasing annually but its production registers a decreasing trend in July as the Japan Tea Industry has to skip production due to high temperature that month leading to the rise in price, Hattori said at the seminar yesterday.

“So we need to stress on mechanisation to reduce cost of production as weather condition is hitting hard production yield”, the tea expert asserted.


Not your typical tea growing country, but Australia has some lovely herbs you can add to your tea.

Hospitality Magazine Sydney Tea Festival returns to Carriageworks

Australia has its very own loose leaf tea festival and it’s coming up in Sydney on August 20th.

The one-day event will feature a new do-it-yourself tea blending station and an interactive tea ceremony performance. There will also be a program of workshops and talks hosted by leading industry experts.

Date & Time: Sunday 20 August 2017 9.00am–4.00pm

Location: Carriageworks, 245 Wilson Street Eveleigh

Cost: Pre-sale adult entry: $15.50 (including all fees and charges)

Door-sale adult entry: $20.00 (plus credit card processing fees)

Workshop tickets: $48.00 and Talks $15.00 (including all fees and charges)

Kids under 12 free

All tickets include a festival tasting up (valued at $5)

If you live in Sydney or close enough to the festival, check it out! I would love to go but am nowhere near.

I still have more tea and news countries to cover. If my Yemen blog didn’t keep me so busy, I would be tempted to do one about tea too.